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The latest Chigasaki Wave and its back issues

NO.88   March, 2024  Cherry blossoms will come out soon, Diamond Fuji, Flower: Magnolia, History: Serizawa Village (2), Japanese Proverbs: (1) KAJIN HAKUMEI, (2) SUKI KOSO MONO NO JOZU NARE, Short Essay (10) Yukichi Fukuzawa & Shojun Ozawa, a smallpox doctor at Yabata Village, Events Feb & March: exhibition of Ex Libris and New Year’s cards, photo exhibition and report on Noto and Great East Japan Earthquakes by Munesuke Yamamoto, exhibition of poems with pictures by Kira, exhibition and sale by disabled people at AEON, picture exhibition by Chigasaki Artist Association, and live painting by Ryu Ambe, panel exhibition of volunteer groups, Eboshi Yose, Events in late Mar & Apr: exhibition at Citizen Gallery, unveiling ceremony of Yuzo Kayana’s bronze statue, Exploring Color and Space - Chigasaki City Museum of Art
NO.87   Jan-Feb, 2024  Chigasaki has the largest excess of in-migrants, Be careful about bicycle thieves, Flower: Pansy, Kamakura (36): Winter flowers, History: Serizawa Village (1), Short Essay (8) Toma Zengoro (Ryuan), Short Essay (9) Ansei Earthquake and Cholera, Japanese Proverbs: (1) KINOU NO FUTI WA KYOU NO SE, (2) KI WA KOKORO, Events Jan & Feb: calligraphy exhibition, bean scattering at Samukawa Shrine, photo exhibition by Chigasaki Photo Friendly Club, Events in Feb & Mar: Indian ink poem, exhibition of ownership slips, flower exhibition at Nagakubo Park in Fujisawa
NO.86   November, 2023  Survey results on waste collection, Flu cases have exceeded the advisory level, Flower: Sarcandra glabra, History: Namegaya Village (2), Proverbs: 1) KANE GA KATAKI NO YONONAKA, 2) KUSARI-NAWA NIMO TORI DOKORO, Kamakura: Autumn colors, Essay: The Great Eruption of Mt. Fuji in 1707, Events in November: Ozu's eye for beauty, Firefighting and disaster preparedness Festival, Chigasaki Velo Festival, Chrysanthemum exhibition, Handicraft exhibition, Calligraphy, Events in December: Citizen Gallery, Art works by JH students and Chigasaki support school students, Yasujiro Ozu and Kougo Noda's diaries
NO.85   October, 2023  The flu season started, Winter sunflower, Flower: Chrysanthemum, History: Namegaya Village (1), Proverbs: 1) IITAI KOTO WA ASU IE, 2) ONNA NO ICHINEN IWA OMO TOSU, Essay: Tokugawa Ieyasu’s Transference to Kanto Regions, The Movie Screening by Cinematheque Chigasaki, Events in October: Japan Watercolor Shonan branch Exhibition, Chigasaki Jamboree 2023, The 63rd Citizen Cultural Festival at Civic Center: Photo exhibition by Chigasaki Kyodo Kai, Bonsai exhibition by Chigasaki Bonsai Club, Chorus Festival, Events in November: Citizen gallery, Ozu Art at Chigasaki City Museum of Art, The 63rd Citizen Cultural Festival, Chigasaki Velo Festival 2023
NO.84   September, 2023  The seventh free corona vaccination, Autumn is coming, Flower: Cosmos, History: Kowada Village (2), Proverbs: 1) AMADARE ISHI WO UGATSU, 2) ISSUN NO KOIN KARONZU BEKARAZU, Essay: Toyotomi Hideyoshi's Kinzei, The harvest moon, Kamakura: Lotus flowers, Exhibition of Yuzo Kayama, Events in September: Chigasaki Bihou Club, Horseback Archery at Samukawa Shrine, Koide River Higanbana Festival, Events in October: Citizen Gallery, Chigasaki Jamboree 2023, Chigasaki Citizen Cultural Festival 2023
NO.83   August, 2023  The Great Kanto Earthquake, Sadako's metal crane, Flower: Japanese silver grass, History: Kowada Village (1), Short essay: Inage Shigenari, Corona virus spreading, Chishoen (Teachers' play circle), Proverbs: 1) OYA NO YOKUME, 2) NITAMONO FUUFU, Events in August: Chigasaki Fireworks Display, Photos of Akabane, Chigasaki Student Calligraphy Exhibition, Events in September: Citizen Gallery, OZU ART, Southern All Stars Chigasaki Live 2023
NO.82   July, 2023  Renovation of the major gymnasium, Toyoko Inn is to start its business in late July, Chigasaki FM will start broadcasting soon, about 2.2 million tourists visited Chigasaki, Flower: Cotton rose mallow, History: Murota Village (2), Proverb: 1) UI TENPEN WA YO NO NARAI, 2) ONI MO JUHACHI, BANCHA MO DEBANA, Kamakura: Hydrangeas, Opening events of Institute of Public Health, Coronavirus pandemic is gaining momentum, Events in July (Kamakura-bori exhibition, Hamaori festival), Events in August (Citizen gallery, Fireworks, and Picture exhibition)
NO.81   June, 2023  the ninth wave may come, Southern Beach will be opened, Flowers: Common gardenia, Film screening by Cinematheque Chigasaki, Japanese proverbs: (1) ATSUSA SAMUSA MO HIGAN MADE, (2) ANO KOE DE TOKAGE KURAUKA HOTOTOGISU, History: Murota Village (1), Short essay (3) Kamakura-Gengoro-Taira-Kagemasa, Events in June: bonsai exhibition, Picture postcards, Ryuan Toma's household goods, Art exhibition (Pictures of Forests and the Sea), British landscape, Events in July: Citizen gallery, Hamaori Festival
NO.80   May, 2023  Corona Pandemic is lasting, Chigasaki city assembly election, Flowers: Fish mint, History: Takata Village (2), Japanese proverbs: (1) TORI NAKI SATO NO KOMORI, (2) DOKI AI MOTOMU, Kamakura: Spring flowers in Kamakura, Nanko-in and Chigasaki, Children's Day, events in April: Ooka Festival (Jokenji Temple Jimoto Festival, Big Parade and Mikoshi Procession, City Hall Festival), Events in late May and June: Citizen gallery, Chigasaki City Museum of Art, Bonsai exhibition, Chigasaki wind symphony regular concert, Chigasaki City Museum
NO.79   April, 2023  Corona 9th wave may be probable, Results of the prefectural assembly and gubernatorial elections, Flowers: Dandelion, History: Takata Village (1), Election for city assembly members, Library books are available at the station, Japanese proverbs: (1) KIITE GOKURAKU MITE JIGOKU, (2) KORENI KORIYO DOSAIBO, Short essay: Yamato-Takeru-no-Mikoto & Koshikake Shrine, Michi-no-Eki Shonan Chigasaki, Events in April: Cherry blossoms lit up, Yasutake Oshima sketch exhibition, Shonan-Chigasaki craft fair, City museum of art (Wataru aidani tatazumu), Events in May: Citizen Gallery (picture exhibitions), Shonan Festival 2023
NO.78   March, 2023  Transition to post-pandemic lives, Cyclists will be required to wear helmets, History: Akabane Village (2), Cherry blossoms, Japanese proverbs: (1) KANE GA MONO IU, (2) JIGO JITOKU, Flowers: Scotch broom, Chigasaki People's Museum, Kamakura: Yasutoki Hojo, Events in Feb. and Mar.: Flower exhibition at Shonan Mall Fill, Panel exhibition at Citizen Support Center and City Hall, Craft shop at AEON, Kodotan+2023, Tie-dye exhibition by Fukaishi tie-dye class, Events in Mar. and Apr.: Citizen Gallery exhibitions, City Museum of Art - Wataru aidani tatazumu, Oka Festival
NO.77   February, 2023  Preparing for post-pandemic lives, Traffic accidents and injured people, Flower: Japanese andromeda, History: Akabane Village (1), Japanese proverbs: (1) ABUNAI TOKORO NI NOBORANEBA JUKUSHI WA KUENU, (2) AWASEMONO WA HANAREMONO, Short essay: Jinji & Banba, New exhibition at City Museum, Flowering season is just around the corner: Himuro-en & Kawaduzakura, Events in Jan. & Feb.: Calligraphy exhibition by Gagetsu school, Setsubun at Samukawa Shrine, Flower exhibition at Shonan Mall Fill
NO.76   January, 2023  The eighth wave of COVID-19 subsiding, but lasting, The 2023 gathering of twenty, flower: Round leaf holly, History: Amanuma Village (2), Japanese proverbs: (1) KAERU NO TSURA NI MIZU, (2) SHOJIKI NO KOBE NI KAMI YADORU, Kamakura: Hiromoto Oe, Events in Dec. and Jan.: Nebuta decoration at Samukawa Shrine, Dondo Yaki at Satoyama Koen, Dharma doll market at Dairokuten Shrine, Hakone Ekiden 2023, 85th Konan Ekiden, Exhibition of pictures by Kan Irie, Events in late Jan. and Feb.: Art exhibition at the Citizen Gallery, City museum of Art (display of arts by Kan Irie, and by J H schoolers), Plat ART by NPO Art friendship Association from Babyhood
NO.75   December, 2022  The eighth wave of COVID-19 is growing, The 50th Chigasaki Folk Entertainment Festival, Flower: Heavenly bamboo, History: Amanuma Village (1), Appreciation of Winter Sunflower, Japanese proverbs: (1) ONI NI KANABOU, (2) SHAKA NI SEPPO, People: Yoshi Yasumochi, Shonan Marathon 2022, Events in Oct. and Nov.: Bonsai exhibition, Photo exhibition by Chigasaki Shayu Kai, Chrysanthemum exhibition, Handicraft exhibition, Calligraphy exhibition, Classical vocal concert, Chigasaki Rakuyu Kai exhibition, Picture exhibition, the 10th Shosai-ten, Events in Dec. and Jan.: Citizen Gallery, the 85th Konan ekiden, daruma market at Dairokuten Shrine, Dondoyaki at Satoyam koen
NO.74   November, 2022  The eighth wave of the coronavirus pandemic, Chigasaki mayoral election, For the safe riding, Flowers: Fragrant orange-colored olive, Winter Sunflower, History: Kagawa Village (2), Japanese proverbs: (1) KICHIGAI NI HAMONO, (2) JU NIN TO IRO, Report about daily lives in Ukraine, A copper-colored moon in a dark sky, Screening a movie Cenote, Kamakura (30): Yoshikazu Hiki, (Events in October and early November) Chigasaki Velo Festival 2022, Recitations of short stories of Kunio Tuji short stories, Picture-story show and recitation, The 150th Anniversary of Railway, Citizen Cultural Festival - Photo Section, (Events in mid-November and December) Citizen Gallery on the fourth floor of NEST-CE PAS Chigasaki, Chigasaki City Museum of Art, NPO Art Friendship Association from Babyhood, Santa Project Chigasaki 2022, Picture Story Show at NEST-CE PAS Chigasaki
NO.73   October, 2022   Vaccines for Omicron BA.1 or BA.4/5, The number of swimmers on Southern Beach, HONOLULU Meets, History: Kagawa Village (1), Japanese proverbs: (1) DERU KUI WA UTARERU, (2) YOME TOME KASA NO UCHI, Flowers: Red spider lily, People in Chigasaki (31): Yoshio Aoyama, (Events in September and early October) New Woodblock Prints(Shozabro Watanabe), Chigasaki de ai fes!!, Sho in Chigasaki V, Chigasaki Jamboree 2022, The 95th picture exhibition by the Shonan branch of Nihonsuisaiga kai, (Events in October and early November) Exhibitions at Citizen Gallery, The 62nd Chigasaki Citizen Cultural Festival, New Woodblock Prints (Shozabro Watanabe), Chigasaki Velo Festival, Chigasaki Everyone Art Fess 2022
NO.72   September, 2022   The seventh wave of COVID-19 is waning, Autumn traffic safety campaign, To express our gratitude to Yuzo Kayama, Flowers: Crape myrtle, History: Matsuo Village (2), Japanese proverbs: (1) SORYO NO JINROKU, (2) SODE SURI AU MO TASHO NO EN, Kamakura (29): Kagetoki Kajiwara, Display and sales of handicrafts at AEON, The Harvest Moon, (Events in Aug and Sept): Living creatures in Akabane, Chigasaki in the early Kamakura era, Fireworks Display, New Woodblock Prints, (Events in Sept and Oct): calligraphy, photo and picture exhibitions, Koide River Higanbana Festival, Citizen Cultural Festival, Chigasaki Everyone’s Art Fess 2022, Chigasaki Velo Festival
NO.71   August, 2022   In the middle of the 7th wave, Disaster prevention, Flower: sunflower, History: Matsuo Village (1), Japanese proverbs: (1) OYA NO AMACHA GA DOKU NI NARU, (2) SANNIN YORE BA KUGAI, Grapes, an autumn fruit, Tsurumine Hachimangu, People: Sei Wada, Chigasaki City Museum, Events in July and August: picture exhibition entitled Hide-and-seek, Events in September: calligraphy exhibition, photo exhibition, woodblock print exhibition
NO.70   July, 2022   The 7th wave of corona, Upper House election and Abe's assassination, Flower: Rose of Sharon, History: Nakajima Village (2), Japanese proverbs: (1) TEKI WA HONNOJI NI ARI, (2) NIKAI KARA MEGUSURI, Film Screening, 'Mr. Jones', Kamakura: Yoshitoki Hojo, Benkei Zuka, Events in June and July: the Exhibition of Chigasaki Artist Society, A seasonal ritual for purification, Opening of Southern Beach, Events in August and September: Citizen Gallery - photo and calligraphy exhibitions, Chigasaki City Museum will be opened, Southern Beach fireworks
NO.69   June, 2022   Society is returning to normal, City Hall of Chigasaki has the highest percentage of female managers, Flower: Iris ensata, Piers of a bridge over the Sagami River, Japanese proverbs: (1) SHOSHIN WASURU BEKARAZU, (2) NEKO NI KOBAN, History: Nakajima Village (1), People: Isamu Noguchi, Events: Group Sai painting exhibition at Citizen Gallery, BE POP – Exhibition of Ryu Ambe, Photo exhibition- Ocean, Flowers, and Landscape by Taichi Kametani, 2022 Oto-Sada Oppeke Festival, Chigasaki Wind Symphony Regular Concert 2022, Events in June - July: Opening Ceremony of the beach, Picture exhibition by the Chigasaki Artist Association, Photo exhibition at Citizen Gallery
NO.68   May, 2022  The last year of the coronavirus pandemic?, Are more visitors expected this year?, Flower: Japanese Kerria, Summer is just around the corner, Japanese proverbs: (1) Uchi-Benkei, 2) Makanu Tane Wa Haenu, History: Imajuku Village (2), Kamakura: Tsurezuregusa, Kyoto-Kamakura Highway, Events: Exhibition of landscape photos, Station Piano, Exhibition entitled "Sparkling European classical arts", Aloha Market, Art exhibition at Citizen Gallery, Bonsai exhibition, Chigasaki Wind Symphony concert
NO.67   Apr., 2022  Is a 7th wave nearing? Future population of the city, The season of flowers: Chinese milk vetch, History: Imajuku Village (1), Japanese proverbs: (1) KOBOKU KAZE NI ORARU, 2) MATEBA KAIRO NO HIYORI ARI, Cherry Blossoms Viewing Spots, Tokkuri Hiroba, People: Kageyoshi Ohba, Honjya-ga-oka, Events: Kakkeko Challenge 2021, Won-Nyan Marche, Shonan shokai ten (calligraphy), Cherry blossoms lit up, Picture exhibition at Hasegawa Book Shop, Exhibitions at Citizen Gallery, City Museum at Art
NO.66   Mar., 2022  The sixth wave has started subsiding, Chigasaki disposes of about 70,000 tons of waste, The 11th Anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, The season of flowers: Peach Tree, Kawazu cherry trees and Ume blossoms, Japanese proverbs: (1) CHOCHIN NI TSURIGANE, (2) TOKUTE CHIKAKI WA DANJO NO NAKA, History: Shimomachiya village (2), Kamakura (26) Ogura Hyakunin Isshu, The remnants of Kagetoki Kajiwara’s mansion, Feb. Events: the Wonder World, Art Spirit, March Events: The 27th Portrait exhibition, The 17th Sansaiten, The 5th Shonan Calligraphy Group exhibition
NO.65   Feb., 2022  Omicron and the 6th Wave, Traffic accident in 2021, The season of flowers: Japanese apricot, Eboshi Wakame, Long-eared owl, Japanese proverbs: (1) SANJUROKKEI NIGERU NI SHIKAZU, (2) JINJI WO TSUKUSHITE TENMEI WO MATSU, History: Shimomachiya village (1), People: Minamoto-no-Yoritomo, Monument in Kaitozan, Jan. Events: Exhibition of unearthed articles, Chigasaki Wind Symphony, Setsubun Festival, Feb. Events: Citizen Gallery, City Museum of Art: Wonder World and Art Spirit
NO.64   Jan., 2022  The 6th Wave and Booster inoculation, The second snowfall, Narcissus, Ambulance conveyed 10,753 people, Dondo-yaki, Japanese proverbs: (1)USHI NI HIKARETE ZENKOJI MAIRI, (2)KYU SUREBA TSUZU, Kamakura: Uji-Shui Monogatari, History: Yabata Village (2), Ichiyou Raifuku, More people to Samukawa Shrine, Dec. and early Jan. events: Picture exhibitions, Print exhibition, Daruma market, Hakone Ekiden 2022, Events in Feb.: Exhibitions of Excavated articles, Calligraphy, and Photo, Chigasaki Wind Symphony concert, Print Exhibition, Shonan International Marathon
NO.63   Dec., 2021  Corona pandemic and booster inoculation, Keep your bicycle locked, Camelia sasanqua, Colored Pencil Drawing Circle, Japanese proverbs: (1)KANE WA TENKA NO MAWARIMONO, (2)KUCHI NI MITSU ARI HARA NI KEN ARI, History: Yabata Village (1), People: Raicho Hiratsuka, Cymbidium, New train cars on the Sagami Line, Events in November: Artworks by JH students, Children's Festa 2021, Shonan Indian-Ink Drawing Club, The 61st Citizen Cultural Festival, Events in Dec. and early Jan.: Exhibition at Citizen Gallery, Darma market, Hakone Ekiden, Year-end and New-year scenes
NO.62   Nov., 2021  Is the coronavirus pandemic over?, the Sagami Line, 100th anniversary, Green leopard plant, Yuzo Kayama as a Person of Cultural Merit, winter sunflower and zarugiku, Japanese proverbs: (1)ETE NI HO WO AGU, (2)OYA NO HIKARI WA NANA HIKARI, History: Enzo Village (2), Kamakura-Hojoki, Events in October: watercolor exhibition, woodcut exhibition, colored pencil drawing exhibition, flower arrangement display, musical accompaniment festival, recitation, chorus festival, Events in November: Santa Project Chigasaki 2021, photo, picture and calligraphic exhibitions at Citizen Gallery, Citizen Cultural Festival
NO.61   Sept-Oct, 2021  Vaccination will be finished by the end of October, the Disaster Prevention Month, Caution, People: John Paasche, the Harvest Moon, Japanese proverbs: (1)ZASHITE KURAEBA YAMAMO MUNASHI, (2)SUNTETSU HITO WO KOROSU, History: Enzo Village (1), Kamakura-the Tale of the Heike, Flowers: Geranium thunbergii, Events in Aug & early Sept: Exhibition of DAi Fujiwara's works, calligraphic exhibition, Higanbana festival, Events in Oct: Biennial of Illustration of Bratislava, Picture exhibitions, Citizen Cultural Festival
NO.60   August 1, 2021  Amid the biggest wave of COVID-19, Short summer, Formosa Lily, There will be a charge for garbage collection, Japanese proverbs: (1)SAKE WA HONSHIN WO ARAWASU, (2)SAO NO SAKI NO SUZU, History: Heidayu Shinden (2), People: Shojun Ozawa, Shonan pears and grapes, Events in August: Photo exhibition - creatures in Akabane, Handiwork exhibition
NO.59   July 1, 2021  Infections and vaccination, 2020 census, Hydrangea, Movie - Honeyland, Japanese proverbs: (1)DAIJI WA SHOJI YORI OKORU, (2)NUSUBITO NO HIRUNE, History: Heidayu Shinden (1), Kamakura: Bushido, Events in June: Chigasaki Wind Symphony, Torch kiss, City museum of art, Chinowa Kuguri, Online 2020 Cultural Festival, Events in July: Sea opening, Citizen Gallery
NO.58   June 1, 2021  Coronavirus vaccination has started, aiming to do away with personal sealing, Satsuki azalea, Eki, Midori and Kizuna Circle, Japanese proverbs: (1)KOGEN REISHOKU SUKUNASHI JIN, (2)JU YOKU GO O SEISU, People: William Fisher Balden, History: Hagisono Village (3), The city will impose a fee for garbage collection, Flowers by the wayside: Godetia, The super moon, Events in June: Chigasaki Wind Symphony, Torch relay, City museum of art: Tie on the premise of untying by Michiko Fujita, Painting exhibition by Chigasaki Artists Association
NO.57   May 1, 2021  Fourth wave and vaccination, Festive moods are nowhere to be felt, Flowering Dogwood, History: Hagisono Village (2), Japanese proverbs: (1)SENDAN WA FUTABA YORI KANBASHI, (2)FURU-KAWA NI MIZU TAEZU, KAMAKURA: Kencho-ji and its Garan, Natural treasure Buddhist images, Popular places in the city on May 1, Events in April: Citizen Art Circle exhibition, Tie on the premise of untying by Michiko Fujita, painting exhibition by Yasutake Oshima, Events in May: Movie "Kimi No Egao Ni Aitakute" at the Civic Hall, Tie on the premise of untying by Michiko Fujita at Chigasaki Museum of Art, Let's observe living creature at Satoyama Park
NO.56   April 1, 2021  COVID-19 and Vaccination, Historical and Cultural Museum, Spring National Traffic Safety Campaign, Cherry Blossoms in Chigasaki, Japanese proverbs: (1)NASAKE NI MUKAU YAIBA NASHI, (2)HETANA TEPPO MO KAZU UTEBA ATARU, Lecture on Eboshi-iwa and the sea, People: Yoshio Kimura, History: Hagisono Village (1), Diamond Fuji, Events in March: Kakkeko Challenge 2020, Fireworks for new school finishers, Chigasaki Bread Festival, Events in April: Art exhibitions at Citizen Gallery, piano recital, concert at the Civic Hall, and art exhibition at the city museum of art, Other cherry viewing spots
NO.55   March 1, 2021  The third wave of COVID-19, Disaster Prevention Weeks, Lecture on heartfelt reception, History: Mikoshi Michi (2), Japanese proverbs: (1)OKUJO OKU WO KASU, (2)KUSATTE MO TAI, Satoyama Park in early spring, Just before flying north, Kamakura(21): Engakuji Temple Shariden, Flowers never forget spring, Events in February: The art exhibition by New Wave, Photo exhibition - Ten years of Fukushima, A lecture - Towns Erased from a Map, picture exhibition - View on Daily Life, Events in March: Scenic photo exhibition at citizen Gallery, picture exhibition at Civic Hall, the spring exhibition of paintings in the collection of the city museum
NO.54   February 1, 2021  Coronavirus pandemic in Chigasaki, Ambulances were called 10,445 times in 2020, Traffic accidents in the city in 2020 increased by 1.3%, Japanese proverbs: (1)ASU ARITO OMOU KOKORO NO ADAZAKURA, (2)SUGITARU WA NAWO OYOBAZARU GA GOTOSHI, Chigasaki Haiku Federation, History: Mikoshi Michi (1), People (20): Seiichi Takahashi, Setsubun, Events in January: Exhibition of tie-dyed works, The 29th Family Duo Concert, Art and craft exhibition by Sho-no-kai, the exhibition named 'A Calendar for Painters without Time Sense. 12/12', Events in February: Art exhibition at Civic Hall, Art exhibition at Citizen Gallery
NO.53   January 1, 2021  Quiet New Year in the midst of COVID-19, State of Emergency, Japanese proverbs: (1) SANSHOU WA KOTUBU DEMO PIRIRI TO KARAI, (2) TAKAKI NI NOBORUNIWA HIKUKIYORI SU, History: Nishikubo Village (1)(2), Goodbye to a water tower, Some year-end night scenes, Events in December and early January: Daruma market, Chigasaki Wind Symphony Concert, Hakone Ekiden, Events in January and February: Concert and art exhibition at Civic Hall, Art exhibition at Citizen Gallery, Exhibition of art works by Toru Kuwakubo at city museum, Shonan International Marathon and Konan Marathon (cancelled)
NO.52   December 1, 2020  The Great Kanto Earthquake and disaster prevention (3), Amid the third wave of COVID-19, Encouraging words on a fence, Shipment of Cyclamens has started, People: Testugoro Yorozu, Proverbs: (1) KATE BA KANGUN MAKERE BA ZOKUGUN, (2) KAN WO OOITE KOTO SADAMARU, History: Hishinuma Village (2), Kamakura: Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine-Hongu, Creatures that herald the arrival of winter, Events in Oct. and Nov.: Godo Ten, Woodcut group Ai, Photoshop study group, Pictures by Ritsu Yamashina, Art works by Junior high students, Events in Dec. and Jan.: Daruma market, Hakone Ekiden, Shonan International Marathon, Konan Marathon (cancelled)
NO.51   October - November, 2020  The Great Kanto Earthquake and disaster prevention (2), New cases of coronavirus, NPO Association of art friendship from a baby, Kamakura (19) Tsurugaoka Hachimangu - Maiden, Proverbs: (1) KURUSHII TOKI NO KAMI DANOMI, (2) JIGOKU NO SATA MO KANE SHIDAI, History: Hishinuma Village (1), People: Yuichi Inoue, Collected PET bottles were judged best, The Harvest Moon, Events: Higanbana Festival, Yukikai Exhibition, Aloha Shirts Exhibition, Citizen Gallery, People's Museum
NO.50   August - September, 2020  The Great Kanto Earthquake and disaster prevention (1), thousand paper crane, The season of grapes, History: Yanagishima Village (2), Proverbs (1) Mono Wa Hachibunme, (2) Yarazu Buttakuri, Chigasaki was ranked the 5th best small city, The cycling road has been repaired, People (17): Seiichi Hirota, Sunflowers in Samukawa, Diamond Fuji in Autumn, Events in August: Exhibition of Tsunero Kokuryo's works, the 9th exhibition of Sueko Yoshioka's works, Kana-Phil concert, Events in September: The 13th Higanbana festival, Aloha shirt exhibition
NO.49   June - July, 2020  Subsidies to alleviate COVID-19 shocks, COVID-19 and Chigasaki, Mild and Comfortable Climates, Kamakura(18) Torii, Japanese proverbs (1) Mistugono tamashii hyakumade, (2) Gusha no ittoku, History: Hamanogo Village (2), People: Hiroo Terada, History2: Yanagishima Village (1), Flowers of the season, June 30 purification at Samukawa Shrine
NO.48   May 1, 2020  Kaneko sweet pea farm, COVID-19 Pandemic still continuing, People have disappeared from streets amid virus, History1: Chigasaki Village, Japanese proverb (1) INOCHI NAGAKEREBA HAJI OSHI, (2) UGOU NO SHU, History2: Hamanogo Village, Kamakura(17) King Enma, Shonan mobile gourmet market, Praying for the end of the pandemic
NO.47   April 1, 2020  Nozaki Farm, the COVID-19 Pandemic, Quick detection of the new coronavirus, Fusamochi Koyama, Japanese proverb (1) FURUKIZU WA ITAMI YASUI, (2) HONEORIZON NO KUTABIRE MOUKE, History: Chigasaki Village - Jukkenzaka and Nango (1), Chigasaki Village - Jukkenzaka and Nango (2), Diamond Fuji, Nature in Chigasaki, Events in April and early May: Citizen Gallery, Raizin Ark League 2020, La Corolle concert
NO.46   March 1, 2020  Le Chocolat Bunzoo, Pictures and concert in the civic hall, Lifelong Learning Classes (genetically modified crops, weather, Shonan Pomolon), Interested in Japanese proverbs? (1) BAKA NI TSUKERU KUSURI WA NAI, (2) FUGEN ZITTUKOU, History: Chigasaki Village (2) - around Honson, Invitation to Kamakura: Fudo Myo-o, Choice! Chigasaki, (Events in Feb) Screening of Swing Time, Raw Wakame Sales, Plum Festival at Takasuna, Flower exhibition at Shonan Mall Fill, Calligraphy exhibition, Koide River Cherry Festival (cancelled), Happy Valentine's Day, (Events in Mar., mostly cancelled) Citizen gallery, Events at Hagisono Care Center, Morning market, Chigasaki City Museum of Art, Chigasaki Yose, Yurui Chara Matsuri, women's softball games
NO.45   February 1, 2020  Aita mfg company in Enzo, Eastern entrance of City Hall open, Traffic accident and ambulance dispatches in 2019, Fulfilled life after retirement, Piano and sansin concert, Interested in Japanese proverbs? (1) TATAKEBA HOKORI GA DERU, (2) NAKI TSURA NI HACHI, Chigasaki Village (1) - around Honson, Morning market by the sea, Chigasaki Red List 2017, Unosuke Sasaki, (Events in Jan) Kite-flying Events, Hakone Ekiden, Auspicious tobi performances, Konan Ekiden, Dondo Yaki, Exhibition of spring flowers, (Events in Feb. and early Mar.) film screening of Swing TIME, Raw Wakame Festival, Setsubun, Ume Festival, Shonan flower exhibition, Koide River Cherry Festival, Paperweight workshop, Citizen Gallery; Indian-ink drawing
NO.44   January 1, 2020  CHIGASAKI BASE, North Macedonia Fair, Hagisono Ikoinosato event planning committee, Eishoji Temple, Lighting ceremony of nebuta, Symposium on excavation studies in the city, Interested in Japanese proverbs? (1) TATAKARETA YORUWA NEYASUI, (2) NARAU YORI NARERO, Fundamental plans for preserving greenery, Documentary film on Gender Identity Disorder at City Hall, (Kamakura) Jizo Bosatsu, An exhibition and sale of handicrafts, (Events in Dec) Shonan Int. Marathon, Marimba and Piano concert, Christmas concert at the municipal hospital, The fusion of pictures and photos at the city museum of art, Chigasaki Yose, Daruma market, (Events in Jan. and Feb.) Citizen Gallery, Kite-flying festival, Hakone Ekiden, Konan Ekiden, Dondo Yaki, New Year's display by Fire Fighters, Let's make paperweights
NO.43   December 1, 2019  AUTECH JAPAN INC., Do you take care of your health?, Mottainai, Volunteer Festival, Marine debris comes from cities and towns, Scheme to reduce garbage disposal, Bluegrass concert by J-Project Band, History: Rinkoji Temple, Proverbs (1) Doku wo Kuwaba Sara made, (2) Hara ni Ichimotsu, People: Hachidai Nakamura and Rokusuke Ei, (Events in Nov) Goudou-ten, Citizen Festival, Velo Festival, Persimmon Fair, City Museum of Art, Chrysanthemum, Vocal concert, (Events in Dec. and Jan.)Citizen Gallery, Shonan International Marathon, City Museum of Art, Piano and Marimba Concert, Presentation of remains excavation, Daruma Market, Hakone and Konan Ekiden Races
NO.42   November 1, 2019  Y's Bakers Kitchen B-Grotto, Inclement weather reduced the sea bathers to 124,000, Creative Space Hayashi, Super typhoon inflicted heavy damage, Portable shrines parades to celebrate the proclamation of new Emperor's enthronement, Japanese proverbs; (1) Suteru Kami Areba Hirou Kami Ari, (2) Takane no Hana, History: Chofukuji Temple and Shichiri-sama, Kagawa community center festival, Nature: Yanagishima, Kamakura: 11-headed Kannon, Environment Fair, Southern Artistic Fireworks display, Public reading and kamishibai, Exhibition of artistic handicraft, Photo exhibition, Chigasaki 1 Grand Prix, Citizen Gallery, Citizen Cultural Festival, Citizen Fureai Festival, Magcul liberation district, Chigasaki Velo Festival, Citizen Health Marathon
NO.41   October 1, 2019  Grapes in Samukawa, Chigasaki emergency day, Volunteer group: Association of art friendship from a baby, Major Makule Chigasaki won Hinohara Cup, Disaster prevention, Japanese proverbs; (1) Tanki wa Sonki, (2) Nai Sode wa furarenu, History: Mishima Shrine, Bulletin Board Free film screening by Cinematique Chigasaki, Nature: Akabane-jusanzu, People in Chigasaki: Takeshi Kaikou, Mayor's cup surfing contest, Smile Music Chigasaki Festa, Exhibition of mysterious pictures at Chigasaki City Museum of Art, Yabusame at Samukawa Shrine, Koide River Higanbana Festival, Chigasaki Orange Day, Citizen Gallery, Chigasaki Environmental Fair, Chigasaki Southern Artistic Fireworks Display, Citizen Cultural Festival, Citizen Fureai Festival
NO.40  September 1, 2019  SCD Chigasaki School, How to rescue a drowning person, the anniversary of the end of the Pacific War, Bon-Odori Festival, Japanese proverbs; (1) Doku wo motte Doku wo Seisu, (2) Toranu Tanuki no Kawazanyoh, History: the Mizukoshi family's Nagaya-mon gate, Let's learn about flotsam, Nature: Heidayu-shinden, Kamakura (13): Miroku Bosatsu, Bulletin: Let's enjoy pictures with your children, Events in August: fireworks display suspended, bichyori matsuri in Samukawa, Indian-ink drawing, Events in September: citizen gallery, beach cleaning campaign, Yabusame, Koide River Higanbana Festival, Chigasaki Jamboree 2019
NO.39  August 1, 2019  Beach Houses-one of the city's oldest businesses, Space lessons at Civic Hall, New Chigasaki Police Station, Meija Makule Chigasaki-a softball club, Japanese proverbs; (1)Tade kuu mushi mo sukizuki, (2) Todai moto kurashi, History: A milestone at Motomachi 5890, The way to (and from) the Museum, People: Ken Uehara, Nature: Nagayato, Honolulu week, Events in July: Southern beach opening, Hamaori Festival, Southern beach festa 2019, Events in August: City Museum, Citizen Gallery, Nandemo Yoichi, Fireworks display, Bread & Butter concert, Event in Sept: Amateur surfing contest
NO.38  July 1, 2019  Pacific Shonan, Electronic bus timetable in Chigasaki Station, New Building of Chigasaki Municipal Hospital, Volunteer group: Mom04, "Fureai" Work Exhibition, Japanese proverbs; (1) Dai wa sho wo kaneru, (2) Ishibashi wo tataite wataru, History: Teppo-ba and Teppo-michi, A compact exhibition at Toma Family's former residence, Nature: Shimizu-Yato, Invitation to Kamakura (12) Juni Shinsho, Chigasaki Cinema Festival, Hydrangeas on the Koide River bank, Events in June (Wan-nyan Marche, Morning fish market, Exhibition of the Chigasaki Artist Association), Events in July and early August (City museum of art, Citizen gallery, Southern Beach opening, Hamaori Festival, Nandemo Yoichi, Fireworks display)
NO.37  June 1, 2019  Nakamaru Store on Emeroad, Chigasaki hosts North Macedonia, History; Danjuro's cottage, People (10); Kosaku Yamada, Japanese proverbs; (1) Koi wa shian no hoka, (2) Ja no michi wa hebi, Volunteer group; Sunayama-tombo, Nature; Namegaya, Events in May (Children's Day, Aloha Market 2019, Oka Echizen Festival, Spring Citizen Festival, Chigasaki Industry Fair, Spring sunflower picking event, Shonan Festival), Events in June and early July (Free screening of "Hard to be a god", Beach cleaning campaign, Morning fish Market, Citizen Gallery, Koide River Hydrangea Festival, Chigasaki Cinema Festival, Swimming season)
NO.36  May 1, 2019  Restaurant The Circus, City assembly election, A New Community Medical Center and an administration building in Chuo Koen, Volunteer group - Solar cooker, Japanese proverbs (1)Takara No Mochigusare, (2)Haraga Hettewa Ikusaga Dekinu, History: Takasuna Ryokuchi, Takasuna Village Flea Market, Invitation to Kamakura (11) Yakushi Nyorai, Nature: Yanagi-yato, Event: Richard Gorman's work at city museum, Le Reve Fleur, Ark League 2019, Exhibition at Citizen Gallery, Aloha market 2019, the 64th Oka Festival, Chigasaki Industrial Fair, Spring Citizen Festival, Shonan Festival 2019, Free screening at the city library, Heisei to Reiwa
NO.35  April 1, 2019  Hasegawa Book Shop (2), Honolulu students visited Chigasaki, Aiming for a beautiful Chigasaki Beach, Volunteer group: ATHTEM Shonan, Japanese proverbs (1) ON WO ADA DE KAESU, (2) GADEN INSUI, Towards more attractive Chigasaki, History: Honzaiji Temple and Kumano Shrine, People (9): Yuko Maki, Nature: Seven key areas, Talk on Fukushima, Events in March: Sports and Dietary Festivals, Photo exhibition named Saijiki, Yurui Chara Party, Events in April and May: Citizen Gallery, Ark League 2019 Samukawa, Chigasaki Aloha Market, Oka Festival, Industry Fair, Spring Citizen Festival, Shonan Festival
NO.34  March 1, 2019  Hasegawa Book Shop (1), Around 300 students in the city suffered influenza in Feb., Comic live show by a city official at City Hall, Volunteer group: Minnano Ibasho, Live for today Tomorrow may not come, Interested in Japanese Proverbs? (1) ASU NO HYAKU YORI KYOU NO GOJU, (2) UJI YORI SODACHI, History: Akabane Shinmei Shrine, Let's invite a new stadium to Chigasaki, Nature: Contemporary history of Chigasaki, Invitation to Kamakura (10): Shaka Nyorai, Events in February (Raw Wakame Festival, Ume Festival at Takasuna Greenery, Chigasaki City Museum of Art, Shonan flower exhibition 2019, The 13th Koide River Cherry Festival), Events in March (Citizen Gallery, Morning market, City museum), Scenes in late winter and early spring
NO.33  February 1, 2019  A flower grower in Shimoterao - Kawashima Engei, Traffic accidents in 2018, Forty-one fires occurred in the city in 2018, Let's learn about flotsam on Shonan Beach, Volunteer groups: NPO Shonan-Style (2), Cultural assets in the city, History: Jyoshinji Temple and Kanjuro Mitsuhashi, Interested in Japanese Proverbs? (1)ABU HACHI TORAZU,(2)OMOI TATTAGA KICHIJITSU, Nature: Topography from the middle to the early modern ages, People in Chigasaki (8) Yasujiro Ozu, Events in January (Hakone Ekiden Race, Cycle race on Jan. 5 at Samukawa Chuo Koen, Firefighters' display, Dondo Yaki, Konan Ekiden, Flower Exhibition in Chigasaki), Events in February (Raw Wakame Festival, A film screening by a volunteer group, Cinematech Chigasaki, Setsubun, Ume Festival, Shonan Flower Exhibition 2019, The 13th Koide River Cherry Festival, Citizen Gallery)
NO.32  January 1, 2019  The only fisherman doing gill-net fishing in Chigasaki, Chigasaki park hands-on learning center, Umikaze Terrace, open, Remnants excavation symposium, Volunteer group: NPO Shonan-Style (1), Interested in Japanese Proverbs? (1)En wa inamono ajinamono,(2)Kunshi ayaukini chikayorazu, History: Shinryuji Temple in Imajuku, Exhibition and sale of handicrafts, Nature: Moated settlements appeared, Invitation to Kamakura (9)- Amida Nyorai (2), Santa project Chigasaki 2018, Events in Dec. (Shonan International Marathon, Lumie Saxophone Quartet, Daruma market, Exhibition of woodcuts, lithographs and so on), Events in Jan. (Hakone Ekiden 2019, Konan Ekiden, Dondo-Yaki, The New Year's Display of Fire Fighters), From Heisei to a new era
NO.31  December 1, 2018  Ohtake Farm Company in Serizawa, Hikaru Sato, the new mayor of Chigasaki, The 2018 Policy Contest for future Chigasaki, Volunteer group: Cinematheque Chigasaki, Nature: Rapid regression of coastline made vast sand hill, Interested in Japanese Proverbs?, History: Manpukuji Temple, Nango the Museum, People (7): Rudolf Ratien, Flower exhibition, Flowers in season and out of season, Events in Nov. (Health Festa, Fureai Festival, Rainbow Festival, Citizen Cultural Festival), Events in Dec. and early Jan. (Shonan International Marathon, City Museum, Daruma Market, Hakone and Konan Ekiden Races)
NO.30  November 1, 2018  Suzuki Farm in Serizawa, Backstage tour of the Civic Hall, Kotohira Shrine in Nango, Shonan-Neko-33 (mimi), Interested in Japanese Proverbs?, The coastline in the early Jomon Era, Amida Nyorai, Events in October (Chigasaki Livestock Festival, Shonan Film Festival, Construction Industry Festival, Chigasaki Velo Festival, Chigasaki Southern Artistic Fireworks Display 2018, Exhibition of artistic handicraft, Public reading and Kamishibai, Photo exhibition, Painting exhibition), Events in November (Citizen Gallery, Citizen Cultural Festival, Diabetes prevention measures, H30 Chigasaki Maruhaku Exhibition), Former Mayor Nobuaki Hattori passed away on Oct 4
NO.29  October 1, 2018  Ham Kobo JIRO noted for handmade meat products, Southern Beach had 168,000 visitors this summer, The 1st Chigasaki Orange Day, Marugoto-Hakubutsukan-no-kai, Kikaseya Keitaro, Interested in Japanese Proverbs?, Jokenji Temple, Marine regression in Glacial Age, People in Chigasaki (6): Ryuan Toma, Events in Sept (Chigasaki City Museum of Art, SUP Japan Cup 2018, Yabusame at Samukawa Shrine, The 11th Koide River Higanbana Festival, Chigasaki Jamboree 2018), Events in Oct (Citizen Gallery, Hiking along the Sagami Line , Chigasaki Anti-disaster Festival 2018, Chigasaki Velo Festival, Fureai Festival, Rainbow Festival, Citizen Cultural Festival)
NO.28  September 1, 2018  Kakizawa Dairy Farm in Amanuma, Panel exhibition named 'Sadako's paper crane and let's learn about those days', Stop Press: Cyclist Fumiyuki Beppu won a silver medal, Renovation of the Civic Hall will soon be finished, Construction of the administration building in Chuo Koen, Koide River Environmental Protection Group (2), Japanese proverbs, Yagumo Shrine, Earthquake may occur within 30 years in Chigasaki, Eboshi-iwa: Oldest Geologic Strata in Chigasaki, Orange Day: Support for Demented People, Invitation to Kamakura (7) Engakuji-Temple, Events in August (the 44th Southern Beach Firework Display, the 31st Nandemo Yoichi, painting exhibitions), Events in September (Citizen Gallery, painting exhibitions, surfing contest, yabusame, Koide River Higanbana Festival, Chigasaki Jamboree)
NO.27  August 1, 2018  Plenty's - a sweet shop noted for homemade ice creams, waffles and crepes, Tour of Toma Family's former residence, Natural disaster can happen anywhere at any time, Koide River Environmental Protection Group (1), Presentation of volunteer groups to Tsurumine High School students, Interested in Japanese proverbs? Kaizenji Temple, Oleander, Hamaori Festival and Eboshi Rock as local industrial resources, Danjuro Ichikawa IX, The opening ceremony of Southern Beach Chigasaki, The 36th painting exhibition of Chigasaki Artists Association, Hamaori Festival 2018, What happened in Chigasaki and Samukawa around the Meiji Restoration, Chigasski City Museum Art events, Event at Chigasaki Museum Heritage and Samukawa Archives, the 44th Southern Beach Fireworks Display, the 31st Nandemo Yoichi
NO.26  July 1, 2018  MIKAWAYA-Rice confectionery manufacturer noted for Hamaori Senbei, Exhibition of photos representing Chigasaki Life, Ride a bicycle safely and healthily in a bicycle city, Invitation to Kamakura: Tokeiji-Temple, Let's review how to dispose of plastic waste, Interested in Japanese proverbs? History of Chigasaki: Takehiko Shrine, Electric sounds from Bear and Bison, and pebbles make you feel relaxed, Nature in Chigasaki: Killifish, Volunteer groups in and around Chigasaki: Chigasaki Kyodokai, 2018 Oppekepe Festival, The 10th Koide River Hydrangea Festival, The 7th Chigasaki Cinema Festival, Exhibition-Scenery in the old days of Chigasaki and nature of today, Citizen Gallery, Southern Beach Chigasaki opening ceremony, Hamaori Festival 2018, The 44th Southern Beach Chigasaki Firework Display
NO.25  June 1, 2018  Electric Power Development Company (2), Rainbow kids reported their experiences in Honolulu, Evacuation sites increased from 8 to 21, Volunteer groups in and around Chigasaki: Chigasaki Rugby School, About three million tourists visited Chigasaki last year, Interested in Japanese proverbs? History of Chigasaki: Hakuhoji Temple, Sunflowers in spring? Nature in Chigasaki: Indian Fritillary, People in Chigasaki (4): Sadayakko Kawakami, Stockbreeders association gives children hands-on learning, Scenes during the first week of May, or Golden Week, Events in May (Chigasaki Aloha Market 2018, One Nation Cup 2018 in Shonan), Events in June and July (2018 Oto-Sada Ottupekepe Festival, The 10th Koide River Hydrangea Festival, Events in Citizen Gallery, The 7th Chigaskai Cinema Festival)
NO.24  May 1, 2018  Electric Power Development Company (1), The former residence of the Toma family is open, Let's observe nature in Chigasaki, Volunteer groups in and around Chigasaki: Maruhaku-tomo-no-kai, Interested in Japanese Proverbs? History of Chigasaki: Jyoshoji Temple, Memory of the war, Kumaji Fabric Craft Center in Tomoe, Nature in Chigasaki: Chigasaki Ecomuseum, Invitation to Kamakura (5) Kenchoji Temple, Saburo Shiroyama (my favorite author), Events in April (Oka Echizen Festival, Chigasaki Industry Fair, Spring Citizen Festival, Spring Agricultural Festival), Events in May and early June (Chigasaki City Museum of Art, Citizen Gallery, Chigasaki Aloha Market)
NO.23  April 1, 2018  Kanagawa Prefectural Institute of Public Health (2), Get a feel for Chigasaki, Outdoor museum, Two A-bombed pianos come to Chigasaki, Mixed Chorus gave relaxed time to visitors in City Hall, Volunteer groups in and around Chigasaki: Amateur Radio Club JQ1ZQQ, Interested in Japanese Proverbs? History of Chigasaki: Koshikake Shrine, Himuro Camellia Garden, Nature in Chigasaki: Macrobrachium Japonicum, People in Chigasaki (3): Otojiro Kawakami, Cherry Spot along the JR Sagami Line, Events in March (The 12th Koide River Cherry Festival, Southern Marche, Chigasaki Youth Festival 2018, Opening ceremony of Yanagishima sports park, Yurui Chara Party), Events in April and early May (art exhibition, Jokenji Temple Festival, Oka Festival, Chigasaki Industry Fair, Spring Citizen Festival, Shonan Festival 2018)
NO.22  March 1, 2018  Kanagawa Prefectural Institute of Public Health (1), New Sports Park opens on March 25, Environmental Protection Seminar, Volunteer group in and around Chigasaki: Group to record the history of Yanagishima, Interested in Japanese Proverbs?, History of Chigasaki: Shichiri office along the Tokaido (2), Advertisement: TIME CIRCLE, Nature in Chigasaki: Black bean weevil, La Lausanne, a comfortable French restaurant and cake shop on Ichu street, Invitation to Kamakura (4): Anyo-in Temple, Events in February (Bean throwing festival, Raw wakame festival, Ume festival at Takasuna Ryokuchi, The 20th Art All Stars, Shonan Flower Exhibition, Koide River Cherry Festival), Events in March and Early April (Southern Marche in Chigasaki, Exhibition of collected paintings, Citizen Gallery, Yurui Chara Party, Opening ceremony of Yanagishima Sports Park)
NO.21  February 1, 2018  Kitamura Fisheries in Chigasaki , Traffic accident in Chigasaki slightly increased in 2017, Ambulances were dispatched every 49 min last year, Tadashi Hosoya, a stringer supporting Nishikori and other major tennis players, Volunteer groups in and around Chigasaki: Workshop Rakuan (2), History of Chigasaki: Shichiri Office along the Tokaido (1), People related Chigasaki(2): Doppo Kunikida, Nature in Chigasaki: Common Coot, In order to live the way you want in the last stage of life by Chizuko Ueno, Snow in January, Interested in Japanese Proverbs?, The New Year's display by firefighters, The 80th Konan Ekiden, Brass band performances at AEON, Events in February and early March: Raw Wakame Festival, Ume Festival at Takasuna Ryokuchi, Shonan Flower Exhibition, Koide River Cherry Festival, Citizen Gallery
NO.20  January 1, 2018  Project T for Japanese-made Tourbillon Watches YUKI Precision (3), The flu season has started, Hospitals during New Year holidays, Public facilities will be closed during the periods, Flood and landslide hazard maps, Volunteer groups in and around Chigasaki: Workshop Rakuan (1), Interested in Japanese Proverbs?, History of Chigasaki: Pathways in the Koide district (2) Fujisawa-Ichinomiya Road (2), The 60th anniversary of erecting the statue on the site of Shichido-Garan Temple Compound, Events in December, Nature in Chigasaki: Nipplewort, Invitation to Kamakura (3) The Great Buddha of Kotoku-in Temple, Events in January and early February: Chigasaki city museum of art, Hakone Ekiden, Konan Ekiden, The New Year's display by firefighters, Dondo-Yaki, Citizen Gallery, Setsubun Festival
NO.19  December 1, 2017  Cyclamen cultivator, Nanko-In will be registered as a tangible cultural property of the nation, Two Space Azaleas have come to Chigasaki, Nursing Adviser, Volunteer groups in and around Chigasaki: Yanagishima Kite Flying Club, Public reading of poems written by Tomihiro Hoshino, History of Chigasaki: Pathways in the Koide district (2) Fujisawa-Ichinomiya Road (1), People in Chigasaki (1) Koan Takata, Chigasaki Folk Entertainment Festival, Interested in Japanese Proverbs?, Nature in Chigasaki: Bird-watching along the Sen-no River, Chigasaki citizen cultural festival, Events in December and early January: Shonan International Marathon, Daruma market at Dairokuten Shrine, Weekly exhibitions at Citizen Gallery, Hakone Ekiden, Konan Ekiden, Year-end scenery
NO.18  November 1, 2017  Organic agriculture in Chigasaki, Sagami line photo contest, Drug abuse prevention campaign, Typhoon No.21 brought heavy rain to Kanto, Volunteer groups in and around Chigasaki: Community Spot Chigasaki, Interested in Japanese Proverbs?, Short cycling courses for Sunday-afternoon pleasure seekers, History of Chigasaki: Pathways in Koide (2) Serizawa, Fresh organically grown vegetables to customers, Morning vegetable market by the sea, Nature in Chigasaki: Ginkgo trees, Invitation to Kamakura (2): Manpukuji Temple, Chigasaki citizen cultural festival, Events in November and early December: Chigasaki citizen cultural festival, Across the Ocean-Hawaiian quilts exhibition, Weekly exhibitions at Citizen Gallery, Citizen fureai festival, Chigasaki bread festival, Chigasaki rainbow festival
NO.17  October 1, 2017  SGK SYSTEM GIKEN, The beach was less crowded this summer, Volunteer groups in and around Chigasaki: Ryuto-kai, a lantern making group, Nature in Chigasaki: Daurian redstart, Interested in Japanese Proverbs?, History of Chigasaki: Pathways in Koide (1) Serizawa, Autumn-the Season of Exhibitions, Cultural Festivals and Field Events: Exhibition of Indian-ink drawings, Hawaiian quilt exhibition, Yabusame at Samukawa Shrine, History of the main shrine of Samukawa Shrine, Events on Sept 23: Koide River Higanbana Festival, Chigasaki Jamboree 2017, Chigasaki Environmental Fair 2017, Events in October and early November: Chigasaki Citizen Cultural Festival, Across the Ocean-Hawaiian quilts exhibition, Weekly exhibitions at Citizen Gallery, Morning fish market, Hiking along the Sagami Line, Citizen Fureai Festival, the 21st Chigasaki Rainbow Festival
NO.16  September 1, 2017  Chigasaki Surfing Stories (3), Disaster Prevention Month, Gathering for peace memorial, Volunteer groups in and around Chigasaki: Group To Record Shonan Area, Interested in Japanese Proverbs?, History of Chigasaki: Pathways in Kowada and Hishinuma (2), Nature in Chigasaki: Akiakane, Welcome to the Chigasaki People's Museum, Chigasaki Chamber of Commerce and Industry Photo Exhibition, The 43rd Southern Beach Fireworks Display, Invitation to Kamakura: Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, Events in September and early October: a kilt exhibition, Softball games, Amateur Surfing Contest, Art exhibition, Yabusame at Samukawa Shrine and Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, Chigasaki Jamboree 2017, Koide River Higanbana Festival
NO.15  August 1, 2017  Chigasaki Surfing Stories (2), Renovation and construction of public facilities, Hand, food and mouth disease is going around, Volunteer groups in and around Chigasaki: Salon-dote (2), Memories of War-Operation Cononet, Interested in Japanesee proverbs?, History of Chigasaki: Pathways in Kowada and Hishinuma (1), Skilled surfer, instructor and chairman of SUPU, Hamaori Festival, Nature in Chigasaki: Cryptotympana facialis, or Kumazemi, Grandfather's magic hands, Events in August and early September: film screening, art exhibition, fireworks display, Nandemo-yoichi, fruit farms tour
NO.14  July 1, 2017  Chigasaki Surfing Stories (1), Artistic paintings instead of Graffiti, Newsletter 'Chigasaki' (Let's go and discover nature), Beach Cleanup, Salon-dote (1), How about doing volunteer work during summer holidays?, Interested in Japanese proverbs?, Pathway to Koide (2), Wagashi Craftperson-Ginzo Matsue, Vitrex rotundifolia, Breath-taking Scenic Pictures of Shinshu,today's Nagano Prefecture, Mornig Fish Market, Art exhibitions at Citizen Gallery, Chigasaki Cinema Festival, The opening Ceremony of Southern Beach Chigasaki, Honolulu Week, Hamaori Festival, Fireworks Display, Nandemo-yoich
NO.13  June 1, 2017  Have you ever eaten Enoshima tako senbei?, Nearly 2.9 million people visited Chigasaki last year, Preservation and utilization of historic sites, Daily training counts in rescue operations, Pathway to Koide (1), Honobono-beach Chigasaki, Imperata cylindrica (Chigaya), In Quest of a fulfilling Senior Life (2), Welcome to the Kaiko Takeshi House, Interested in Japanese proverbs?, Brief history of the bicycle, Shonan Festival on April 29 and 30, The Century of Bicycle, Art exhibitions at Citizen Gallery, Chigasaki Cinema Festival, Fish market, The opening ceremony of Southern Beach Chigasaki, Honolulu Week
NO.12  May 1, 2017  Pioneering Spirit Driven Metalworking Company, Chigasaki City Health Center Established, Single Parents become eligible for exemption for widowers or widows, Toys hospital Nikoniko, Through Another's Eyes, Pathways in Akabane (2) Tsutsumi-michi (Akabane-michi), In Quest of a fulfilling Senior Life (1), Unusually late cherry blossms, Pear blossoms, Kashiwa-mochi, The 5th Shosai-ten, Interesetd in Japnese proverbs?, The 62nd Oka Echizen Festival on April 22 and 23, The Century of Bicycle, The Chigasaki People's Museum, Art exhibitions at Citizen Gallery, Film screening at the Chigasaki City Library, Chigasaki Aloha Market
NO.11  April 1, 2017  Highly Reputed Box Lunch Caterer in Chigasaki, Flower Train runs on the Sagami Line, Municipal Administration Policies for fiscal 2017, Approved Specified Nonprofit Corporation Yuhi, Peace symbol paper crane will fly down Chigasaki, Lesser known fact about Ohka, a rocket powered suicide attacker, Through Another's Eyes, Pathways in Akabane (1) Pathway along City Line, Interesetd in Japnese proverbs? Music Records Found Him and Gathered Around, Welcome to the Chigasaki Yukari no Jimbutu Kan, The 3rd Southern Marche, Food Education Festa, The Century of Bicycle, The 62nd Oka Echizen Festival, Shonan Festival, Chigasaki Aloha Market, The screening of Late Spring by Yasujiro Ozu
NO.10  March 1, 2017  Dekaman Confectionery on the Tokaido, Safe Driving in the City, Influenza is rampant throughout the City, Memorandum Book, Chigasaki O Gauge Railway Club (2), Youth Center Festival, Through Another's Eyes, Oedo-michi and Nakahara-michi (2), Interesetd in Japnese proverbs? Exhibition of Shimoterao Painting Circle, Airbnb and Nice Host in Chigasaki, Shonan Flower Festival, Seasonal fish-Young Sardines-a specialty of Chigasaki, Koide River Cherry Festival, Himuro Camellia Garden, Local Yuruchara Party and Cherry Festival at Chuo Koen
NO.9  February 1, 2017  R&D-oriented Machining Company (2), Number of fires the second lowest, number of dispatched ambulances increased, Final tax returns, Chigasaki O Gauge Railway Club (1), Konan Ekiden, Urban Design Symposium, Through Another's Eyes, Oedo-michi and Nakahara-michi (1), Interested in Japanese Proverbs?, Exhibition of Chigasaki Citizen Art Circle, Chigasaki Coffee Club, Eboshi Wakame, Kasuka na Hikari Samete miru Yume, Art exhibitions, Concerts at the Civic Hall, Setsubun Festival, Raw Wakame Festival, Ume Festival at Shorai-an, Youth Center Festival, Koide River Cherry Festival
NO.8  January 1, 2017  R&D-oriented Machining Company (1), What do artifacts tell us about ancient Chigasaki?, Christmas concert at Chigasaki city hospital, Machi-kei, Welcoming spring lights, Japanese proverbs, Through Another's Eyes, Nankoin Street (2), Southern Beach Toastmasters Club, Ichigo-daihuku, Dondoyaki, Kasuka na Hikari Samete miru Yume at Art Museum, Concerts at the Civic Hall, Hakone & Konan ekiden, Setsubun
NO.7  December 1, 2016  Cymbidium grower, The flu season has come, Chigasaki will turn 70, Aloha shirts, HAMAKEI, Japanese proverbs, Through Another's Eyes, Nankoin Street (1), Brandin (2) Flowerpot Men concert, Recent findings at the Shimoterao Kanga Remains, Kasuka na Hikari Samete miru Yume at Art Museum, Concerts at the Civic Hall, Shonan International Marathon, Hakone and Konan Ekiden races, Year-end special
NO.6  November 1, 2016  Chigasaki-kan (2), Rental bicycles, New system of home appliances disposal, Fureai Sports Festival, Sansuikai, Japanese proverbs, Through Another's Eyes, Kamakura highways (2), Brandin, Strolling in autumn leaves, Citizen Fureai Festival, Chigasaki Rainbow Festival, Bunkyo Univ Shoto Festival, Chigasaki Citizen Cultural Festival, The Flowerpot Men concert, Competitive karuta tournament
NO.5  October 1, 2016  A century-old inn, City's population, Southern Beach visitors, Chigasaki Renewable Energy Network, Japanese proverbs, Through Another's Eyes, Kamakura highways, Japanese sweets in autumn, French resturant LE NICO a Ominami, Hokusai manga exhibition, Hiking along Sagami Line, Citizen Cultural Festival, Chigasaki Velo Festival, Movie screening
NO.4  September 1, 2016  Shonan Pears, Disaster Prevention Month, Interpretation Service for 119 Calls, Volunteer Group: Shimizu-Yato Lovers, Japanese Proverbs, Through Another's Eyes, Approach to Tsurumine Hachiman, Herb Cordial, Two Rio Olympic Athletes, Hula Festival, Amateur Surfing Contest, Higanbana Festival, Citizen Cultural Festival
NO.3  August 1, 2016  Blueberry Park in Chigasaki, Guidebook for foreign residents, Itoshi no Chigasaki, Amazing paintings on the wall, Japanese Proverbs, Through Another's Eyes, Teppo michi, Nanko-in Memorial garden, Events in August and early September (Social beer garden, Nandemo Yoichi and others)
NO.2  July 1, 2016  Ultra Fine Bottled Tea from Chigasaki, Chigasaki will reach its 70 birthday next year, Go to the polls, new constituents, Southern Beach is open now, Yanagishima campsite visitors over 20,000, How about strolling round Chigasaki?, Try Honolulu-Chigasaki Stamp Rally, Through Another's Eyes, History of Chigasaki- Oyama michi, Interested in Japanese Proverbs?, A Film About Coffee, Events in July and early August
NO.1  June 1, 2016  Kappa Junmai-ginjyo Shu, Shonan Festival, Aloha Market, Rachien Dori, People's Museum, Through another's eyes, Japanese proverbs, Chigasaki Cinema Festival 2016